Note that while this page hasn't been updated in quite some time, it still represents what this site is about.

This site is intended to provide information on amateur Sports Racing in the United States. CSR, DSR, S2000, and SRF are automotive road racing classes defined within the rules of the Sports Car Club of America.


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2004 SCCA National Champions

CSR: Tony Loniewski, Swift Viking
S2000: John Fergus II, Carbir CS2

DSR: John Hill, Stohr DSR
SRF: Mike Davies, Spec Racer Ford

Enthusiasts of CSR & DSR like the open nature of the class rules which allow innovation and experimentation.

Many different types of cars compete in the classes with a fairly equal chance of success.

OMS Chassis with proposed 2002 bodywork Beasley-Decker, photo courtesy of

The homebuilt race car has a place in CSR or DSR as much as one of the manufactured “ready to drive” cars.

New technology and innovation are often rewarded with success, yet older cars can still win, as proven by 2000 SCCA Runoffs DSR winner Al Beasley Jr. using a 1986 Decker (pictured in yellow on the left).

DSR sports racers are ...
  • Stohr DSRPowered by up to 190 horsepower,
  • Yet weighing as little as 750 pounds,
  • Utilizing racing slicks, diffusers, and wings for traction,
  • DSRs are some of the fastest cars on the track!

Kropp chassis

Sports racers are essentially what most people picture when they think of open wheel formula race cars, except that sports racers are covered with fiberglass/composite or aluminum bodywork. Car chassis (the structural framework for the cars) commonly consist of tube frame, space frame, and monocoque.

The class rules allow for a wide choice of engines, with each choice having its own displacement limit and associated car weight requirement.

Yamaha YZF R1

Power plants commonly used include motorcycle (2 or 4 stroke), snowmobile, or small automobile engines. Although, even engines can be custom built.

2004_tommy_saunder.JPG (30171 bytes)Cars meeting the rules for DSR are also eligible to compete at SCCA Solo II (autocross) events in the B Modified class. In fact, some DSR cars have been built solely to autocross, like the Dragon SR1 pictured on the right.

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Copyright © 2001- 2005  Tom Clayton.
All rights reserved. Revised: February 07, 2005.

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