Phoenix Chassis
H Modified
Engine: SAAB 3 cylinder 2 stroke
Builder: Joe Pucket
Current Owner: Bud Clark in California
"In 1981 Joe Puckett found the remnants of a race car behind a furniture store in El Toro, California. There was a tube frame, a fiberglass body, and some other small bits
and pieces all of which were in about the worst possible condition. Joe thought he recognized the body shape as that of a car he had raced against many years before, but he did not
have any sure knowledge about the powerplant or running gear.
When he decided to restore the car he felt that, if he couldn't be historically accurate, he could at least be historically correct and would use the SAAB components found on
many H-Mod cars in the 1960s.
Many friends, neighbors, and co-workers helped with the restoration and when it was finished Joe named the car Phoenix after the mythical bird which recreated itself out of its
own ashes.
In 1984, the car made its debut at the VARA race at Willow Springs Raceway, but had some minor problems and retired after a few laps.
The car was eventually sorted out and proved to be one of the faster H-Mod cars in vintage racing on the west coast.
Joe retired from driving in 1991 but he always found a driver to keep the Phoenix racing. When Joe died, the Phoenix passed to Bud Clark who was Joe's friend, SAAB engine
builder, and the primary Phoenix driver after Joe's retirement."
Curt Anderson provided the text and photos used on this page.
Engine Note (added 11/17/06)
"When the car now know as the Phoenix Saab was a current H-Mod, it was
powered by a Mercury Outboard Powerhead. I believe that the Mercury was
driving through a Saab transaxle. When Joe restored the car he installed a
Saab engine. Joe remembered the car as having overheating problems with the
Mercury outboard powerhead."
Tom Churchill on the H Mod Yahoo group

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H Mod Yahoo group

Phoenix Intl Raceway, AZ

Willow Springs
Raceway, CA

SAAB engine
and components

Phoenix Intl Raceway, AZ
From left to right are
Bud Clark, Joe Pucket,
and Curt Anderson